Barry before the opening reception
Barry with Ivan Ninov
Barry showing the copper plates to Zdravko Stoyanov, Ivan Ninov and Philip Zidarov
Barry and Roumen Skorchev in the exhibition
Mihail Petkov, Roumen Skorchev, Atanas Vassilev and Barry
Barry on the press together with Prof. Zdravko Stoyanov
Barry demonstrating the Burin Engraving at the Art Academy in Sofia
Barry demonstrating the Burin Engraving in the Printmaking Dept of Veliko Tarnovo University
Barry with Kamelia and Nikolay Dobrev together with a sculpture of Alexander Ivanov in the park of Lovech
Barry in the studio of Nikolay Dobrev in Lovech
Barry in Troyan Monastery
Barry in the mountains of Lessidren
Откриване с присъствието на автора
1 ноември от 17 до 19 часа
Изтеглената линия @ Леседра
Стоманеният вид на барена, така както се изтегля по медната плоча, предизвиква елегантността и красотата на издълбаната линия и придава допълнително пламъче на въображението.
Гравирането за мен е вид комуникация, своеобразна енергия идваща чрез играта и танца на барена по медната плоча, оставящ линии които оживяват.
Изображенията ми обикновено са странни, често хумористични: мистериозни характери и енигматични животни се разбулват, показвайки своята история в някакво митологично царство, или пък се движат в паралелни светове.
Когато започнах да се изявявам като художник аз го правех от вътрешна необходимост. Воден бях от сила по-могъща от самия мен да създавам образи от един свят, какъвто не мога да видя с моито очи.
Днес аз знам, че тази сила е естествена, подобна на светлината, сила, която може да се направлява от художника. Така че природата се преобразява от изкуството а въображението се претворява в това, което наричаме култура.
November 1st – November 30th 2007
Opening reception with the presence of the artist
November 1st from 5 to 7 p.m.
The Driven Line@Lessedra
The steel tip of the burin, as it is driven through the copper
plate, gives rise to the elastic tension and beauty of the
engraved line, and sets fire to the imagination
Engraving for me is about communicating a certain joyful
energy through the dance of the burin on copper, making
lines which are alive.
My imagery is usually strange, often humorous: mysterious
characters and enigmatic animals reveal themselves, as if
acting out their story in some mythical realm, or perhaps
a parallel universe.
When I first started as an artist, I made art out of inner
necessity—because I had to. I was driven by a force larger
than myself to make images from a world which I could
not see with my eyes.
Today I know that force to be natural, almost like lightning,
a force which can be channelled by artists, so that nature
is transformed by art and the imagination into culture.
English Master engraver born 1953 works almost exclusively with a burin on copper,
producing images as poetry of the driven line.
1979 Ruskin School of Drawing & Fine Art, Oxford: Certificate in Fine Art, Painting & Printmaking
1978 Awarded Ruskin Drawing Prize
1974 Oxford University: B.A. (Hons.) Psychology & Philosophy
2007 The Driven Line @ Lessedra: Lessedra Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects, Sofia, Bulgaria
The Driven Line: Christ Church Picture Gallery, Oxford, UK
2003 Life In The Line: The Theatre, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, UK
2000 Intimate But Not Extinct: Mary Ogilvie Gallery, St. Anne s College, Oxford, UK
2007 Mini Print 2007, Lessedra 6th World Art Print Annual, Sofia, Bulgaria
A World In Black And White, international exhibition of black and white
small format prints, touring Canada
2006 Mini Print 2006, Lessedra 5th World Art Print Annual, Sofia, Bulgaria
2005 Originals 05: The Contemporary Printmaking Show, The Mall Galleries, London, UK
Mini Print 2005, Lessedra 4th World Art Print Annual, Sofia, Bulgaria
2004 Originals 04: The Contemporary Printmaking Show, The Mall Galleries, London, UK
Spring Collection of Gallery Artists, Sarah Wiseman Gallery, Oxford, UK
Mini Print 2004, Lessedra 3rd World Art Print Annual, Sofia, Bulgaria
2003 National Print Exhibition, The Mall Galleries, London, UK
16th International Biennial of Humour & Satire in the Arts, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
4th International Graphic Triennial, Bitola, Macedonia
6th Triennale Mondiale dEstampes Petit Format, Chamalieres, France
- Calcografia Nacional, Madrid
- British Museum, London
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
- Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
- Hermitage, St. Petersburg
- Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich
- National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institute,Washington D.C.
2001 Life In The Line: Where an etching is not to be confused with an engraving,
Printmaking Today, Vol 10, No 2 Summer 2001
2008 The Way Beyond The Shaman: Birthing A New Earth Consciousness, to be
published in August 2008 by O Books
Studio: 3 Old Carpenters Yard, Coleshill, Swindon SN6 7PT UK tel. +44 (0) 1793 766751
Fingers Engraving
Owl Pine
The Art Class
The Big Horse
The Dragon of Uccello
The Ox
The Rat
The Rooster
The Snake
His Master's Dog
Hoffmann's Hare
Lassoo The Sea
Monkey of the Madonna
Naked Quick Step
Night on Bear Mountain
The Year of the Tiger
Wild Boar
The Astonishing Miasmic Pleasure of Inhalation
Esmeralda & Jali
Infinity Series 1
Infinity Series 2a
Infinity Series 2b
Infinity Series 4c
One Dark Night 1
One Dark Night 2